About Me

Hi! So....I thought before I got into all the writing (yay!) I'd tell y'all a little about me.
Now, first, I can't promise that I will always use perfect writing style and grammer on this site. After all, after trying (and usually failing) to do so with pen and paper (or Microsoft Word) it's nice to have a place where that's not the most important thing. :-)
 So, about me. Hmm...
Well, I'm 17 and I've probably been writing for about 8 years. It started with a story, a Batman, Robin, and Bat-girl fan-fiction, when I was about 9 years old. And it just expanded from there. I went through two old, about to die, hand me down laptops. I am now on my third, and it's about to bite the dust. Even as I'm typing, I'm waiting for everything to transfer over to a flash drive. My hope is to be able to get a macbook air before the first of the year. (I might even break my standards and go (gasps) BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING!!! but I would only do something that drastic if I knew I could get a computer for a REALLY good price.)
I am in my last year of high school, and I am so ready to be done! I have almost no time to write during the week since I work as well as going to school. I hope to take a year before going to college (for hopefully theatre and writing) to write while working, getting involved in my church, and taking sign language classes (i hope I hope I hope)
I am a Christian, and I pray that it shows in everything I write. My main goal in my writing is to point others to Christ. I want to encourage teenagers especially, and they are my target audience. I've dealt with Anxiety since I was about 11 or 12 years old, along with all it brings. In the book I am currently working on, I tell the story of three different girls, all who have to face some pretty major challenges. They all have to discover that they are not alone in their struggles, no matter how alone they feel.
I am a musician. I've been singing since before I could talk, I attempted to learn piano (took weekly lessons for six months), and I've been playing the guitar for about three years now.
I have been turned into a musical lover. My dad hates them, but all my friends love them! So I now am addicted, and I drive my dad nuts when I'll walk around the house singing "Defying Gravity" "On My Own" or "Tomorrow".
I love music, and listen to several types. From the occasional rock and rap (usually on the bad days) to the soothing slow music I choose when I'm anxious to the Broadway music that has be belting notes I can't quite reach at the top of my lungs. Usually though, my favorite music to listen to is the type that glorifies God, or helps me to focus on Him.

In short, I'm just another writer, pouring her heart into her words. And, if you've found this page either by some happy (or unfortunate) accident or suggestion, it means that you probably are to! So lets embark on the adventure together!


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