Ten Life Lessons Learned (So Far)
With today jump starting a new year, a new chapter, and a new opportunity for adventure, I thought I’d share the product of a journaling prompt I’ve filled out recently. Ten life lessons that I have learned so far in my 21 1/2 years on this earth. They’re not in any particular order, just in the order that they came to me.
1) It’s okay to trust people; it’s okay to open up and be vulnerable. Yes, you’re putting you heart on the line, but it’s worth it because you find the people that will never leave you.
2) Sometimes you’re going to get hurt. Sometimes there’s nothing that you can say or do to fix it. You simply have to feel it, work through it, and move on from it. No, it’s not easy-but it never is. It’s better to move on than to hold onto that pain.
3) Sometimes you’re going to hurt others. Sometimes you can fix it, but sometimes you can’t. When you can’t fix it, learn from it. Apologize,be sincere, but if you can’t fix it don’t dwell on it.
4) Cry when you need to, but don’t make yourself cry if you don’t.
5) Save the special cards, the ones with real meaning and heart.
6) Learn cursive and get good at it when you’re young! It’s worth it when you’re older.
7) Perfect your own from of handwriting. Good handwriting helps you feel good and helps to make good impressions.
8) Make time each day for God-it’s the most important and life changing thing you’ll do.
9) Felowship. Get involved with a church no matter where you are. Put down roots even if you wont be there long. Create a home and a family there.. Serve in the church and serve those who you have made family.
10) PRAY
Pray Pray Pray Pray
Pray when you’re happy
Pray when youre not
Pray when you’re brave and pray when you’re so scared the only prayer you can form sounds like “God please!”
He knows your heart and He wants you to pray to Him always.
If it’s important to you, it’s important to Him.
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